Author: “Mac”

  • Revive Your iPhone 11: Quality Repairs at Great Prices

    Introduction: Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts in the charming towns of Lithgow, Katoomba, and Blackheath! Are you scrolling through the stunning Blue Mountains landscape with your trusty iPhone 11 in hand, only to realize it’s in need of some TLC? Fret not! Welcome to MacMason Training and Repairs, your friendly neighbourhood tech wizards, ready to…

  • Mac software repair When its odd pull the plist

    I worked a long time at Apple in California as a Software specialist. My job was to investigate the odd cases. When I mean odd I mean the case that make the first two people at AppleCare scratch their heads. So I have some advice for those people who wan to do their own Mac…

  • Mac Repairs Blackheath

    Mac Repairs Blackheath? Want to drive to Penrith to get an appointment? I did not think so. We are located in Lithgow at 51 Main Street and we do Mac repairs. Now I am not talking about simple turn a screw and call yourself a Mac repair guy kind of repairs I am talking the…

  • Apple Mac Repairs Katoomba

    Apple Mac Repairs Katoomba .While some places have passed a test and can turn screen and repair a Mac. I am such a Mac geek “Mac” is my nickname. (Long Story). That said I worked at Apple in California for 5 years working at AppleCare before Moving to Bondi to open the Apple Store. I…

  • The case of the iMovie export to USB

    The case of the iMovie export to USB

    Today I had a case with iMovie with exporting to a USB stick, Apple’s Movie editing software. Now and then I find interesting cases that might make a good blog post! While I am always going to make sure that I avoid giving any personal information about the clients I will explain what happened and…

  • iPhone touch Screen not working

    Hello there, fellow iPhone enthusiasts! If you’re experiencing the frustrating issue of your iPhone screen not responding, fear not – you’re not alone. As someone who has spent 8 years working for Apple and now owns MacMason Training and Repairs, I’m here to shed light on why your iPhone screen might not be working and…

  • Software updates are important

    Hello there! Today, I’d like to talk to you about something that might seem a bit technical but is actually quite important for your MacBook’s health and performance. I’m Kevin C. Mason, the owner of MacMason Training and Repairs, and with my 8 years of experience working with Apple, I’m here to shed some light…

  • Apple Repair Programs you should know about.

    So what is an Apple Repair Program? Apple Repair Programs is when there is something that Apple Feels they could have done better. This means they are willing to extend their normal warranty to repair these specific issues. Sometimes they are willing to repair a unit even after five years. (Depending on the issue Apple…

  • What is the difference between a Hard drive and an SSD?

    If you’ve bought a small and lightweight laptop in recent years, chances are it came with a special kind of storage called an SSD. This helps your laptop start up quickly. Some bigger laptops also use this technology now, and only a few older ones use a different type of storage called a hard drive.…