Category: Mac Technical Tips

  • Now offering refurbished iPhones & iPads

    I’m very picky about the services and products we offer. So when I found a distributor for refurbished iPhones, I had to take another closer look. I did my research, checked reviews and even made a few phone calls. I even ordered iPhone 8 for my wife. She has been using it for about three…

  • The Joy in teaching

    Teaching is one of those things that if there was a way to have all my bills paid and just a little left over for an occasional Mac upgrade I would teach for free. The joy in teaching. Unfortunately, I do need to run a business in order to keep the lights on and have…

  • iPhone not charging

    Have you ever had one of those days when you wake up to find out that your iPhone had not charged? This can be a big problem if you have one of those jobs where you need your iPhone. I hate this! There have been a few times when I have left the house with…

  • Tell scammers to F#%K OFF!

    The scams are hitting Lithgow really hard! 4 victims that I know of in the last 30 days. Some have lost as much as $20K. I study scams and disinformation. I actually record scammers to analyse the methods they use to convince you to give them access to your computer or mobile device. The best…

  • Mac Apps that I use every day June 2022

    There always seems to talk about new Mac apps all the time. However today I want to talk about the few apps that I use every day. The software, may not be the most flashy but gets the job done. Here is my list for June 2022. I do want to mention I do not…

  • Tempted to install the iOS 16 Beta … but I know better

    I am a super geek. one of those people who are always installing something new on their devices, just to test them out. While some people fear having to learn a new operating system, I am that guy who has three operating systems on his Mac. So when the iOS 16 Beta was made available…

  • I Love being a Mac-Tech in Lithgow!

    Because of my history of working at Apple in California in the tech support department that handled the “Odd cases,” many people ask me “Why Lithgow” as if the idea that Lithgow would be beneath me or something. At first, I heard about Lithgow’s bad reputation so I was a little reluctant to buy a…

  • macOS Ventura coming soon

    I think I may be the only guy in Lithgow who is excited about macOS Ventura! I even got up at 3 AM to watch the WWDC. Some people say I’m crazy to get up that early to watch an Apple product announcement. I say… do you really want someone to repair your iMac if…

  • Personal Technology courses for seniors

    I have been teaching Technology courses for seniors for a very long time. I have heard their stories and I understand that the world of computers and smartphones can be daunting for anyone over the age of 40. I also know that our seniors are some of the most brilliant people out there. The problem…

  • The first time a con artist tried to scam me.

    Online scams are not anything new. They have been around for as long as the internet existed just without the whole computer part. When you think about it con artists have existed for hundreds of years. So in reality the online scam is just a new way to run an old scam. When I was…