New training room for Adult and senior computer classes! While some people would think this is mostly just setting up a new computers and tables and call it done. This computer training room has been deigned from the ground up to help get some of the most difficult concepts for seniors who are trying to learn how to use tech.

Changing from retail to training
So about a few months ago we purchased Lithgow tech Service (The computer show next door) We quickly noted that LTS was better equipped to handle a retail environment and our old shop MacMason Training and Repairs was better suited for training. So we moved all of our products next door.
No more interruptions
One of the biggest problems with tying to do training in a retail environment is that we wee always being interrupted by people needing help. We have noticed that someone who needed help will walk past a “Closed sign” step over a wet floor sign to interrupt a class to asks a “Quick question” that honestly would use an hour of time.
Now by having a dedicated training space we can have a class without worrying about being interrupted every ten minutes.
The computers made BULLETPROOF
Ok maybe no bullet proof but computers for Adult and senior computer classes should be set up in a way that will help with learning key concepts. In this case “You can’t beak it”.
Many senior are so terrified to do anything on a computer or a smart phone that they will accept help for everyone including scammer. By setting up the computers is a way that they reset after every season and telling the students that is what will happen they loose a little bit of fear about using computer.
SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT computer OS on each computer
One of the things that Ihave noted while teaching classes is that senior will often panic if the computer they are using is even a little different from the computer that the instructor is using. When this happens the entire training class is a waste of their time because they will focus only on trying to find exactly what the computer teacher has on their screen. The miss the point of the lesson.
So by having each of the computers slightly different with different named files and different versions of the operation system AND we tell everyone that the versions of those computer is going to be different and they need to pay attention to the right details it opens up a lot of potential for learning.
We do not teach “Where to click “
We teach “Why to click”
FAMILIAR cartoon named computes
You think that using bright colours and cartoon characters only works on Kids? Loony toon characters are still loved by seniors. Having something from their era does relax them a little bit. And in a group class we need all the help we can get.