Apple just released a new Security update. Though most Apple updates will often address new features and app stability this is a Security update! What else is interesting is that this is more than an OS update iOS, iPadOS, Watch OS and Safari have all been updated as well. I personally do not remember Security updates coming out at the same time like this. My suggestion is to install the updates ASAP.
These patches fix – a memory corruption bug in WebKit, the key part of the Safari browser. The bug can be exploited by websites with malicious code used to target this Vulnerability. Once exploited, an attacker can run malicious code on the affected Apple device.
- Big Sur11.2.3
- iOS 14.4.1
- iPadOS 14.4.1
- Safari 14.0.3
- WatchOS 7.3.2
Don’t hesitate just update!
Unlike the dreaded Windows updates, Apple has control of the Software and the Hardware. This means that the Updates issues that happen on Windows computers almost never happens with Apple Computers.
In all of my 15 years of repairing OSX issues, only one time was there ever an issue with a software update. And that was fixed within a week with another update.
Why I think this is an important OSX Security Update
When I worked at Apple in California part of my job was to alert the engineering team of potential issues that may cause problems with OSX or the various Apps. This process would take me days of gathering information to write a report. Then someone in engineering would have to take a look at the report and determine if diverting resources is worth the cost. I’m sure that other bean counters and higher managers get involved.
So now imagine what kind of effort and money was spent to release these updates all at the same time across five platforms. Somebody though that it was worth the time and money to write a security update!
Come On in the update is fine!

I have run the update on My iPhone and it is working fine… Yes I waited for the update to finish before I hit publish